Dismantling the master’s house
Starts with you
Our vision for the film
This film builds on the work of so many before it. And so it exists as a vessel to amplify under-heard voices. Combining stories and perspectives to create a crescendo.
We aim to do this in as authentic a way possible, without narration, so that people’s truths speak for themselves and are allowed to resonate freely.
Paying special attention to the ethics of filmmaking. This is a subject which must be approached with humility, sensitivity and thoughtfulness. Alongside a deep and urgent desire for justice.
Primarily the film will be structured as a blend of the poetic and expository documentary modes. It will include interviews, allegorical and archival visuals, animations, as well as elements of actuality.
We also believe the film would benefit from using pieces of reflexivity. Demonstrating a self awareness, making clear that it is a documentary, not a window to the world.
A number of group discussions will also be captured to supplement the individual interviews and to invoke a sense of alliance and verité.
The editing process will be a case of joining voices and intertwining stories, to follow an over arching plot. At various stages of this, feedback will be sought from the people we’ve interviewed and others who can give helpful critique. This is a crucial undertaking in order to construct the film in a way that does the subject justice, and honours the stories with respect.
The project exists as a not for profit venture, and so the film will be made publicly available online after launch events. Those who have donated to our crowdfunding campaign will receive early access.
The plot of themes for the film
What is the experience of racialised people in modern mental health services?
How does institutional racism take form - and function - systemically in the mental health system? What are the cogs that make up the machine?
Where lay the roots of racism in the foundations of psychiatry and psychology?
Is the western concept of ‘Mental Illness’ fit to serve everybody?
How are people challenging this issue and trying to change the landscape?
We are currently crowdfunding in order to do this project justice. Read more about our campaign on our crowdfunding page or watch the video below.